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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 3, Issue 8, 2017, Page No: 15-20

Analysis of Factors Affecting Rural Women in Family Farming in Benue State, Nigeria

Mbah E.N.1*,Onah. O.2,Amah N.E2

1.Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication, University of Agriculture Makurdi, Nigeria
2.Department of Agricultural and Bio Resources Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

Citation :Mbah E.N.,Onah. O.,Amah N.E, Analysis of Factors Affecting Rural Women in Family Farming in Benue State, Nigeria International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences 2017,3(8) : 15-20


The survey was conducted to analyze factors affecting rural women in family farming in Benue state, Nigeria. Data were collected from a sample of one hundred and eighteen (118) respondents using questionnaire. Frequency, percentage, mean score and factor analysis were used for analyzing data collected for the study. Results indicate that the respondents obtained information mostly from informal sources which include friends (95.8%), relatives (95.8%), family members (93.2%), neighbours (77.1%), among others. Major factors affecting rural women in family farming as indicated by the respondents include poor road network (M=4.86), poor extension agent-farmer contact (M=4.64), high incidence of pests and disease infestation (M=4.58), inadequate transport facilities (M=4.57), unavailability of labor saving technologies (M=4.57), low prices of farm produce (M=4.49), among others. The study further shows that the respondents were highly affected by institutional, soil management, labour and training factors. The study recommends that the state government should ensure adequate provision of physical infrastructure such as good roads for easy transportation of farm produce and highlights the need for more female extension agents to be trained and employed so as to increase the number of extension workers available to rural women farmers.

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