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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology

Volume-2 Issue-1, 2016

The Adaptation Experiences of Hong Kong and Caribbean Adolescent Immigrants in Canada: A Multivariate Analysis
Henry P.H. Chow
Download | Page No : 1-14

Dealing with the Past: Actualized History in the Social Construction of Reality
Christian Giordano
Download | Page No : 15-25

New Forms of Volunteerism in Public Health. Professionalization Processes in Complementary and Alternative Medicine Field
Maria Mercedes Saizar, Mariana Bordes, Mercedes Sarudiansky, Guido Korman
Download | Page No : 26-35

Plural Switzerland: Switching Identities in a Multicultural Nation
Christian Giordano
Download | Page No : 36-47