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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Environmental Science
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2017, Page No: 1-9

Evaluating Construction Challenges of Private Housing Developers within Various Income Areas of Jos Metropolis

Achoru Afam Mike, Ashen Musa Jacob

Department of Estate Management, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Jos, Nigeria.

Citation :Achoru Afam Mike,Ashen Musa Jacob, Evaluating Construction Challenges of Private Housing Developers within Various Income Areas of Jos Metropolis International Journal of Research in Environmental Science 2017,3(1) : 1-9


Housing is said to be a crucial/basic need for humans just as food and clothing. Housing Construction challenges have over the years led to limited housing development and supply. This work evaluates these challenges within various residential income areas of Jos metropolis and tries to proffer solutions via recommendations. The income areas include Rayfield, G.R.A and Gold & Base (High Income). Millionaires quarters, Lamingo and Rock Heaven (Middle income) while Jenta, Gada Biu, Rikkos, Hwolse and Angwan Rogo represented the low income areas. A structured questionnaire containing housing construction challenges was designed for the study. 90 copies were distributed to staff of Jos Electricity distribution company (JEDC) (30 for high, 30 for middle and 30 for low income areas) and 90 retrieved. Data analysis tools used were percentage score method Standard deviation/mean score calculation. Results for standard deviation, mean score values and ranking of challenge factors are provided via tables for the various income areas. The findings are revealed and recommendations to curb these challenges are proffered.

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